Allison Justice
UGA 2019 Field Trial Deep Dive
The table below is a breakdown of data gathered from the 2019 hemp variety trial by Dr. Tim Coolong of UGA. Plants were harvested at full term and tested after drying. This is just the beginning of University data which will help guide and progress growers, breeders, farmers, and our hemp industry as a whole. Below, I will share my take-aways from these data. KEY: Red The table above is sorted from high to low THC percentages. Varieties above 0.3% total THC are in red. As you can see, most varieties grown would not qualify as hemp at full term...
Allison Justice
The Hemp Mine's Response to the USDA Interim Final Rule
In the months since hemp was federally legalized under the 2018 Farm Bill, the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) crafted a 43-page document of proposed regulations. These regulations include aspects of hemp cultivation such as testing, harvest, destruction protocols, etc. Read Dr. Allison Justice & The Hemp Mine's thoughts on the proposed regulations and learn how you can voice your own thoughts and experiences to the USDA.
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